Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hi to everybody!...I've been so lazy on writing but I have a good excuse. I've been sick for 2 weeks...the same as thyroid is bugging me again and my "women month to month friend" getting out of control. ( If I would know that just latinas would read this page I would just write "my period"...but...hahaha...there's a lot of my "gringa's friends" who read this page too so I wouldn't do such a thing! hahaha).
 I call my gynecologist office and I told the secretary that I have been feeling terrible for more than 2 weeks and that I'm getting I need it an appointment the soonest she could put me in. Then she said...ok you have an appointment for next Tuesday 4th...I didn't say anything for 1 second...I wouldn't be able to be quiet more than that then I said..."my darling...did you heard me...I said I been really bad for 2 1/2 weeks and you want me to wait one more...are you kidding me! you want me to be dead?... She didn't answer. (?) well, I've been feeling better today and I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow, will see what he has to say.
Happy Halloween!!!.


Fun times said...

Hope you get it all figured out...wish I was there to help with the kids. Good luck! Besos!!

Prouses said...

I was wondering what happened to you. I've missed your crazy posts. Hope everything works out for you.

Curt and Amy said...

That's kind of annoying that you haven't been feeling well and then you try to have the doctor see you and it takes forever! No worries I love hearing about all of the details!