Friday, April 4, 2008

New Glasses

Dominique got 2 pairs of new glasses. She chose them all by herself. I love this ones. She looks so cute!!! what do you think?...she looks so stylish!. She really looks good in glasses!...She was adorable before now she looks more adorable than ever!. You can tell she feels beautiful. Kayla asked if she could have some...I can't imagine Kayla in glasses...her eyes are huge! = )


Curt and Amy said...

Mimi, you have such nice taste! You look darling in your glasses!

Prouses said...

Very pretty. You're such a good photographer Andrea.

Fun times said...

Mimi, you look so cute, and very smart! I love them. Good luck with the packing and might be worth the 600.00 charge :) Have fun!