Kyla and me had a wonderful time playing make up the other day. I think I had more fun than her. I love to do her make up and making her feel like a princess. Then she did my make up..and did a photo session. I love having girls..its so fun!.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Playing make -up with mommy
Kyla and me had a wonderful time playing make up the other day. I think I had more fun than her. I love to do her make up and making her feel like a princess. Then she did my make up..and did a photo session. I love having girls..its so fun!.
Having Fun!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Chucky Cheeeeeesssee!
Dog Show
This was a fun date with Kayla!. We went to the Dog show at the "Farm thing show", on Cameron Street, Harrisburg,PA. There were hundreds and hundreds of dogs. Some weird, not too weird, huge, tinnies,cute and not too cute. You could see how they prepared them for the contest. How they did their hair, etc,etc. I never thought that they are so many kind of breeds (is that how you say it?...) The funnest part for Kayla was that the owners let Kayla touch them without any problem... the dogs were really friendly.. They are really friendly because they are used to the crowd. It was a free show too. I think that why I liked it the most!. If you have the opportunity to take your kids do it, I can assured you that they will love it!
Where is my Camera?....
Well, the other day I couldn't find my camera...Mimi, Kayla, Sarah and Becca were playing downstairs, nice and quiet for a loooooooong time. They were dancing. They took the radio downstairs and I could heard them having looots of fun!... After a while my camera was in its case again. When I checked on it this is what I found....and 100 more of them.
Friday, April 25, 2008
I'm still here...
Hi everybody!...We just have 2 1/2 more weeks. I'm having ups and downs. I'm really gonna miss this place. When I go around for a ride in my car ...alone...I get sad. I love this place! The green, the friends ,(not my greens friends...hahaha) the hills, the groundhogs, the squarrels, etc,etc,etc, I don't wanna moveeeeeeeee!...I don't wanna see boxes in my house, I don't wanna paint, I don't wanna clean, I don't wanna think in 4 days driving with a any dog, but THE DOG!..I think I haven't take my "ritalin" this morning...hahahaha.
Friday, April 4, 2008
He is Driving me Nuts!

Hi everybody! I have been kind of busy lately trying to get everything ready for the "moving". I haven't been writing too much but I've been checking your blogs, trying to keep in touch in some way with my friends. My house is a mess. I have boxes piled up in the living room. We got rid of almost everything and we decided we will just take the beds and tv and tons of boxes with just kitchen, play,scrapbooking... stuff. But the cleaning is what its driving me nuts! they told us that we have to clean the carpet with a profetional! what?! we have been here for 3 years...CHANGE THE CARPET AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!. We have to paint too or they will charge us $600!!! Even though they will re paint after!...duh!!!. oh well, it will be fun to do it as a family night or something. The missionaries can do a service project that night, maybe?.
Our dog, Jack has been feeling lonely and left out...his "mommy" has been busy and haven't been paying attention as normaly he has decided to pee in my bed everytime he gets mad at me!!!....I almost killed him! and now he can't , for his own safety!, goes uptairs at all!. I'm glad that he just got my pillow because I just threw-it away. Well here its a pictures of the "beast!". He has a funny personality...Isn't he cute!?
New Glasses

Dominique got 2 pairs of new glasses. She chose them all by herself. I love this ones. She looks so cute!!! what do you think?...she looks so stylish!. She really looks good in glasses!...She was adorable before now she looks more adorable than ever!. You can tell she feels beautiful. Kayla asked if she could have some...I can't imagine Kayla in glasses...her eyes are huge! = )
Making a Cake!
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