Saturday, March 25, 2006

Dominique met her Teacher for the First Time

Dominique went to meet her Kindergarten Teacher and see her new class room and bus, for the first time before school start. She was so excited!!!. Kayla had mixed feelings she said. She was happy for Mimi to start school and be able to teach her everything she was going to learn but really sad because she was going to miss Mimi so bad each morning!. It made me sad to hear her remarks....I'm gonna be sad too, I miss Mimi even when she goes to play with her friends for an hour or so...I think its part of growing as a parent,uh?.
Kayla was really suported holding Mimi's hand, in every step of the way, like always.
Dominique loved her classroom. She said it was so fun to look around and see so many cool things that she is gonna learn during the school year.

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