Saturday, October 1, 2005

Our Nest is Blessed with our two little Babes

Dominique and Kayla loves to help around the house, specially with the dishes, so I'm enjoying it when it last, because I now this blessing it's not gonna last for too long!. I'm really proud of them for wanting to help even without have to ask. They are so tiny but still so full of good intentions. They like to serve others they feel happy doing it. When I was little I never thought about helping others specially my mom. I was always too busy playing. My mom did taught me about serve and help others but not her. I'm older now and I wish I could go bac in time to do different with her...I'm glad that the gospel and the experiences in my life teach me how to do better with my own girls. I see the smiles on my girls faces and I know they are feeling proud of themselves. They feel important...and GOSH THEY ARE!!!

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