My little "misifulina" , Kayla,got baptized last Saturday. I haven't seen a happier girls ever!..She was so happy and I quote..." I feel my heart is gonna explode, mom!". She told me she wanted to be and example for her grandpa Gabriel in Chile and for the whole family. She said to me that for the first time she really felt as a "princess" and that she knew that if she kept the commandments she will become a "Queen" someday...She remembered the words of a talk in Conference that talk about that. She made my eyes watery when I heard her words. I felt the spirit so strong when I was helping her to get ready. Right after she got dressed she aksed me if she could say a prayer with me to say tahnk you to her Heavenly Father for such a wonderful moment...I was so touched by this then my heart felt it was gonna explode!.. Her face was glowing the whole time!. I know she is not gonna forget that day ever!.
We took pictures and tape for my family in Chile. We took Kayla for some ice cream to Thanksgiving point after. Melanie, Alan, grandma and Grandpa, and The Swensons went with us. It was really fun for Kayla to be with her cousins, her favorite aunt and her grandparent!. Kayla asked that for dinner we go to Olive Garden, her favorite restaurant so we went...it was so nice to be as a family and hear about how she felt and how happy she was to choose to follow Jesus example.
Kayla is really in touch with the spirit and I can't repeat her words...the only thing I can say is that even at the loudly restaurant we felt a piece of heaven by our little Kaylita...she kept glowing the whole time and she couldn't stop smiling the whole time, neither we ...
Love, love looooooooove my girls!..What would our lives be without them?...