Ayer fue el primer dia de clases del ano. Kayla y Dominique estaban super contentas de ir a clases...Igual que yo cuando yo era chica!..jaja.
Kayla y Dominique dieron buenos test para su curso. La profesora de Dominique como la de Kayla querian adelantarlas un curso para arriba ya que ambas estan adelantadas en materias. Pero decidimos que era mejor dejarlas en los cursos que les corresponde segun su edad este ano ya que queremos Kyle y yo, que tengan amigos de su edad y que en vez de ser las ultimas de su clase sean las primeras. Asi que el que sepan harto les ayudara a estar mas adelantadas que los otros ninitos de sus cursos y les ira mejor, no queremos que se frusten, queremos que la pasen bien en el colegio y pensamos que sera una buena idea dejarlas ahi y no moverlas un curso mas arriba, para que esten mas relajadas ya que saben mas que los otros tendran una ventaja. Especialmente Kayla que siempre tiene que competir con todo lo que Mimi sabe. Esto le ayudara para sentirse una vez en su vida que sabe mas que los demas. Pucha que son ricas mis hijas, verdad?!
Hey, I don't know what you said but the girls look good on their first day of school. They seem to be very happy and excited. Christian was completely the opposite, but he had a good first day too.
I think Isabella and Kayla are so much alike. They are always trying to compete with their older sibs...
The girls looked beautiful. They're both so gorgeous.
The girls looked BEAUTIFUL!! Man, we need to work on the marriage papers for my boys and your girls :) The trip was great, but I am feeling some serious JET lag! But since I am a die hard blogger, I will work through it and bring the people what they want :) Love and miss you!
Well, we're in nc now, but the kids and i are going back to pa and staying until the house sells. We may at one point decide to just leave the house empty and move all together. We're renting an apartment in Chapel Hill until so that we can get to know the area better, before we commit to a house.
The girls look so cute on their first day of school! They are looking so old, and grown up! How did the girls like school?
I love mimi's hair! I haven't seen it done like that. Did you get a perm?
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