Thursday, August 20, 2009


Dominique and Kayla were so excited that they got ready faster than I thought this morning. No complains no crying no nothing just smiles and excitement!..I was so happy to see them happy... and happy for me too! haha...I need a break and be myself not a mom 24/7. Don't get me wrong. I adore my girls! however I need to recharge " my batteries". I need to take care of myself too : )
They are so excited to learn more new things I love to see their faces when they tell me how happy they are... I'm happy for them too. I know it will be a wonderful year, so many new thing to learn this year. Kyle gave them a Father's blessing yesterday and that makes them feel protected and happy. I'm so grateful for the Priesthood!!! it makes me feel better too that they can get a blessing from dad.
The good thing is that we are taking Jody and her sister to school everyday and that help my girls to be excited every morning. The school is pretty close for a car ride but not that close for walking... no buses anymore, not this year at least.

Reconocimiento de Sala y Profesora.

Dominique y Kayla estaban muy nerviosas de conocer a sus nuevas Maestras y muy ansiosas de conocer a sus companeros de curso.Kayla quedo en la sala con Mary, su mejor amiga. Dominique quedo con Sarah Smalley y Jody. Ella eligio sentarse en el grupo de Sara...quien es su amiga favorita. Por mi parte quede feliz con las profesoras que les toco a ambas. Mrs Howard y Mrs. Dastrup son muy bien catalogadas. Estoy contando las horas para que ya entren a clases. Mis hijitas adoradas necesitan un Break de estar 24 horas al dia juntas... y yo tambien... jajaja.

Jack was feeling sick....

I woke up the other day and this is what I found. He looked so funny but he didn't even moved when I got in the room. He just kind of opened his eyes and kept laying down in bed. Its sound funny and it looked funny...I try to get him out of Mimi's bed but he didn't he looked dog depressed?...but when I touched him his leg hurt...then he tried to walk and he start limping...this was 3 days ago I'm taking him to the vet because he is worst poor my baby!!!. I bet he laid in Mimi's bed because he loves Mimi and it must be comforted for him her smell. ..or maybe he is just a spoiling rotten dog! hahaha (do you say it like that?)

Mimi's mind...

Con la Dominique nadie se aburre. Su mente creativa siempre nos mantiene ocupados. Esta vez se le ocurrio dormir en el closet y preparar todo para entretenerse dentro de el. Como ven en la foto, pusieron las camas dentro del closet...deberian haber elegido el closet mas grande pero eligir=eron el closet de las toalla..jajaja. Arriba tienen la comida en la primera repisa, despues las camas, luego los juguetes, todos sus monos y munecas...y al final las frazadas y cosas para cubrirse...ademas del DVD para ver peliculas. La Mimi me hace reir pobre Kayla se cansa de seguirla en todos sus proyectos y juegos...a mi me cansa tmabien, pero me alegra verla tan creativa..todos los dias es algo nuevo. Ella empieza tempranito con sus proyectos y cosas. A mi lo que mas me preocupaba era que fueran a cerrar la puerta del closet y se ahogaran pero la Mimi tenia solucionado ese problema ya!...MI MMMMIIIMOOOONCIA!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Paseo al Lago en la montana de American Fork

Hace algunos dias atras fuimos al Lago en la montana. Es solo a unos 15 minutos de nuestra casa. Fuimos de picnic con las mejores amigas de las ninas, "los Smalleys". Lo pasamos super bien y aprovechamos la tarde al maximo. Las ninas se divirtieron ene jugando en el agua. El agua estaba congelada, es agua que viene directo de los glaciares de la montana asi que es heladisima! Yo ni siquiera podia tener mis pies mas de 5 minutos en el agua sin que me empezaran a doler. No se como las ninas aguantaban. Pasamos toda la tarde jugando y disfrutando del hermoso dia que nos toco. Capeamos el calor super bien ...ese dia hicieron 40 grados pero como en la montana habia brisa ni sentimos los grados!...el paisaje es precioso y el dia se nos paso volando!.

Vampire & The "mommy"

My girls were playing vampire and the "mommy". They were teasing me because I couldn't say "mummy" oh well!. It was so funny to see Mimi wrap Kayla up in toilet paper...even Jack was a "mommy dog" I wasn't fast enough to take Jack's picture in his costume before he ate the paper. Well, as you can see there's always something going on in our home...with Mimi's mind and creativity nobody ever gets bore!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fluffy and Flopsy!!!

Flaffy and flapsy are our neighbor's baby bunnies. They are super cute. Our girls love them. We have been lucky enough of not getting the request "yet", of getting our own bunnies so it  has been a  good thing that our neighbor let my girls play with the bunnies in the evenings...Thanks Heavens for good neighbors!